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Autism Support Bracelet - zen jewelz by: ZenJen
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Price: $99.99

Product Code: SBAUTISM

Wrist Size

Womens Small (6")
Women's Average (7")
Women's Large (8")
Men's Small (7")
Men's Average (8")
Men's Large (9")
Gift / Self

Blue Sage

Cleanse the energy of your Gemstones or Personal Space! *FREE INSTRUCTIONS INCLUDED* [Add $7.99]
Abalone Shell for Smudging

Burn your sage in an Abalone Shell. The shell represents Water, a gift from the ocean! [Add $14.99]
Personal Smudging by ZenJen

Personal Smudging by ZenJen [Add $10.00]
Additional Comments or Notes


Autism Support Bracelet

Would you or a loved one like to experience healing crystals that provide comfort and support for Autism?

Wrist size options available in checkout

Please see our Autism Hand Mala as a compliment to this bracelet. Purchase the matching set as a way to feel energetically connected to your child.

Each gemstone was carefully chosen and meticulocusly placed to create this powerful Autism support bracelet. The feature center gemstone is a AAA quality Sugilite which is one of the premier stones for this age, because of its numerous beneficial properties. The protective aspects of Sugilite are exceptional. Carrying or wearing a piece of Sugilite set up a sort of 'shield of light' around the wearer, making one impervious to the disharmony of others. This sort of protection is especially important for gentle souls who tend to take on whatever energies are around them.
Charoite is known for its powerful emanation of the Purple Ray. It can therefore be used to purify and cleanse one's aura, releasing disharmonies and dispelling negative energy. It facilitates the release of unconscious fears, serving as a catalyst for the healing and transformation of old patterns of imbalance.
Garnet helps cultivate a sense of physical security and safety. It helps alleviate worry, panic and fear and assists one in maintaining a sense of calm and grounded connection to the present. It allows one to perceive the absolute support of the Universe and its provision of all one's needs.
Tourmaline cleanses, purifies and transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration. This amazing gemstone aids in understanding oneself and others, taking you deep into yourself, promoting self-confidence and diminishing fear. It banishes any feeling of being a victim and attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance and prosperity.
Hematite is particularly effective in grounding and protecting. It dissolves negativity and prevents negative energies from entering the aura, restoring peace and harmony to the body. Hematite stimulates concentration and focus. It brings the mind's attention to basic survival needs and helps to sort out problems of all kinds. It also helps you to come to terms with mistakes and to accept them as learning experiences rather than disasters.

Sugilite, Tourmaline, Garnet, Charoite and Hematite gemstones are excellent to help provide support for Autism. They can help to overcome learning difficulties, alleviate fear, protect from trauma and disappointments and help to remove self limitations. Tourmaline can bring self confidence while Hematite is grounding and protecting.
Watch ZenJen explain what gemstones support Autism
ZenJen smudging your healing crystal bracelet- Add on in checkout.

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