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Chrysoprase is one of the best antidepressants in the world of crystal healing. The relaxing and serene vibes of these gems helps cool off intense emotions and nip anxiety in the bud!Read about our handmade Chrysoprase healing bracelets below to see if you connect with this crystal.***Only 2 left***Your choice of sterling silver charm & wrist size options available in checkout (GEM CARD INCLUDED WITH PURCHASE)Promotes hope and gives personal insights. Draws out talents and stimulates creativity. Stimulates acceptance of oneself and others. Useful for forgiveness and compassion.MEANING: CHRYSOPRASE HEALING CRYSTALS Chrysoprase imparts a sense of being a part of the divine whole. It induces deep meditative states. Wearing a Chrysoprase gemstone bracelet is said by the ancients to promote love of truth, hope and give personal insights. This healing stones help draw out talents and stimulates creativity. It encourages fidelity in business and personal relationships. This crystal energizes the heart chakra (chakra 4 - Anahata) and sacral chakra (chakra 2 - Swadhisthana) and brings universal energy into the physical body. Psychologically, Chrysoprase is calming and non egotistical, creating openness to new situations. It assists in looking at egotistical motives in the past and the effect they have had on your development, and it aligns your ideals with your behavior. Overcoming compulsive or impulsive thoughts and actions, it turns your attention to positive events. This stone opposes judgmentalism, stimulating acceptance of oneself and others. It is useful for forgiveness and compassion.Mentally, Chrysoprase stimulates fluent speech and mental dexterity. It prevents you from speaking out unthinkingly in anger. It lifts oppressive and recurrent images, preventing nightmares, especially in children. Emotionally, Chrysoprase brings a sense of security and trust. It is useful in healing codependence, supporting independence and yet encouraging commitment. Learn to be positive with our Chrysoprase gemstone bracelet!PHYSICAL HEALING PROPERTIES: CHRYSOPRASE BRACELETPhysically, Chrysoprase has a strong detoxifying action. It can mobilize heavy metals out of the body and stimulate liver function. Chrysoprase is excellent for bringing relaxation and peaceful sleep. Resonating with the sacral chakra (chakra 2 - Swadhisthana), it has been known to enhance fertility, aid in conception and pregnancy, reverse infertility caused by infection, and guard against sexually transmitted diseases. This stone can also aid gout, eye problems, and mental illness, treat skin diseases, heart problems and goiters. Wear Chrysoprase to help balance the hormones. This gemstone may sooth the digestive system and increase absorption of Vitamin C. Combined with Smokey Quartz, it may be helpful in treating fungal infections. Chrysoprase has been used to heal the inner child, releasing emotions locked in since childhood. It can also reduce claustrophobia and nightmares.