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HERKIMER DIAMOND EARRINGS - One of A Kind Sterling Silver Herkimer Diamond Earrings

One of a kind Herkimer Diamond Gemstone Earrings - zen jewelz
Price: $99.99

Product Code: EARHERK

Gift / Self

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Herkimer Diamond Gemstone Earrings

Grab these gorgeous Herkimer Diamond crystal hoop earrings. Herkimer Diamonds offer emotional healing by clearing repressed fears and negative feelings, fostering a sense of serenity and self-actualization. From amplifying energy to promoting spiritual growth and transformation, these gemstones are believed to hold a wealth of energy for anyone seeking to connect with their higher self, activate their intuition, or simply just manifest their wildest dreams!


Herkimer Diamonds can be helpful in eliminating stress and tension from the body. They stimulate psychic abilities and open channels for spiritual energy to flow. This stone energizes, enlivens and promotes creativity. Herkimer facilitates gentle release of blockages or resistance, bringing your soul's purpose forward.

This stone energizes, enlivens and promotes creativity. A powerful attunement crystal, especially the smaller, exceptionally clear stones. It stimulates psychic abilities, such as clairvoyance, spiritual vision and telepathy, linking into guidance from higher dimensions and promotes dream recall and understanding. This stone stimulates conscious attunement to the highest spiritual levels and to your own potential. It clears the chakras and opens channels for spiritual energy to flow. It can be used to access past-life information so that you recognize blockages or resistance to your spiritual growth. Herkimer then facilitates gentle release and transformation, bringing your soul's purpose forward. It activates the light body (a subtle energy body vibrating at a very high frequency. It is the vehicle for the soul and higher consciousness). Herkimer attunes people and links them together when they have to be parted: each person should retain one stone. It enhances telepathy, especially in the initial practice stages and attunes healer and patient. Herkimer has a crystal memory into which can be poured information for later retrieval. It can be programmed for other people to draw on. Herkimer Diamonds are one of the strongest crystals for clearing electromagnetic pollution or radioactivity. They block geopathic stress (stress that is created by subtle emanations and energy disturbances from underground water, power lines and negative earth lines. Geopathic stress runs through the earth and can affect or pollute people and buildings. It contributes to disease of all kinds.) and are excellent when gridded around the house or bed, for which larger stones should be used.

Herkimer Diamonds can be used as a detoxificant. They have been used to protect against radioactivity and treat disease caused by contact. These crystals can be helpful in eliminating stress and tension from the body. They promote past-life recall of injuries and disease that still affect the present life.
ZenJen smudging your healing crystal bracelet- Add on in checkout.

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