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CHAKRA 2 SACRAL CHAKRA Bracelet - zen jewelz
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Price: $104.99

Product Code: BCKA2

Wrist Size

Womens Small (6")
Women's Average (7")
Women's Large (8")
Men's Small (7")
Men's Average (8")
Men's Large (9")
Gift / Self

Blue Sage

Cleanse the energy of your Gemstones or Personal Space! *FREE INSTRUCTIONS INCLUDED* [Add $7.99]
Abalone Shell for Smudging

Burn your sage in an Abalone Shell. The shell represents Water, a gift from the ocean! [Add $14.99]
Personal Smudging by ZenJen

Personal Smudging by ZenJen [Add $10.00]
Additional Comments or Notes

Technical Specs

Chakra 2 Bracelet

***Only 2 left***

HEALING GEMSTONE: Carnelian / Sponge Coral
SYMBOL: Svadhisthana - A circle with 6 petals & a crescent moon. The circle represents the element of water. The crescent moon represents the connection of the energy of the moon with water. These symbols point to the close relationship between the phases of the moon and the fluctuations in the water and the emotions. Furthermore, the symbolism of the moon relates to the feminine menstrual cycle that takes the same number of days to complete & the connection of the sacral chakra with sexual organs and reproduction.

(includes double sided Svadhisthana chakra charm)

Chakra 2- Svadhisthana: The Sacral Chakra brings success & relates to self respect. It has the ability to give us the freedom to be ourselves & helps expand interests. Brings joy & strengthens our appetite for life! Orange is the best emotional stimulant. It connects us to our senses & helps remove inhibitions & encourages us to be independent & social.

ORANGE governs the SACRAL chakra situated in the lower abdomen.


Related organs: uterus, large bowel, prostate, ovaries and testes. (In the fetus the testes develop in the lower abdomen, thus linking with the sacral chakra energy, then descending to the scrotum by birth.)

Endocrine glands: ovaries and testes

Associated problems: pre-menstrual syndrome, problems with menstrual flow, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, irritable bowel syndrome, endometriosis, testicular disease, prostate disease.

Personality Traits: Enthusiastic, happy, sociable, energetic, sporty, self-assured, and constructive.

Orange is the color of success and relates to self respect; having the ability to give ourselves the freedom to be ourselves and helps you expand your interests and activities. Brings joy to our workday and strengthens our appetite for life! Orange is the best emotional stimulant. It connects us to our senses and helps to remove inhibitions and makes us independent and social.

positive aspects of an open or balanced sacral chakra

- sociable
- creative
- joyous
- independent

negative aspects of a closed or unbalanced sacral chakra

- withdrawn
- destructive
- despondent
- over-dependent

ZenJen smudging your healing crystal bracelet- Add on in checkout.

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