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Lepidolite Bracelet CHANGE - zen jewelz
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CHANGE IS THE ESSENCE OF LIFE - Grape Lepidolite Bracelet

0 Reviews
Price: $79.99

Product Code: BBLEP6SR

Karma Tag & Charm Options

Please select one*:
butterfly - transformation, change & hope
compass - no matter what happens you will always find your way!
feather - A symbol of new beginnings.
floating heart
infinity heart
lotus - Rebirth, Spiritual Enlightenment
mini eye of protection - A Talisman to ward off negative energy.
mini Hamsa - A protective symbol which means Hand of God.
mini sun
yin yang - duality, growth & interconnectedness.
No karma tag - Bracelet is finished off with a sterling silver ball & zj coin.
Wrist Size

Womens Small (6")
Women's Average (7")
Women's Large (8")
Men's Small (7")
Men's Average (8")
Men's Large (9")
Gift / Self

Blue Sage

Cleanse the energy of your Gemstones or Personal Space! *FREE INSTRUCTIONS INCLUDED* [Add $7.99]
Abalone Shell for Smudging

Burn your sage in an Abalone Shell. The shell represents Water, a gift from the ocean! [Add $14.99]
Personal Smudging by ZenJen

Personal Smudging by ZenJen [Add $10.00]
Additional Comments or Notes

Technical Specs

Lepidolite Bracelet

An important message carried by the spirit of the butterfly is about the ability to go through important changes with grace & lightness. Allow Lepidolite to help you release stress on your journey through transformation!
Read about our handmade Lepidolite healing bracelets below to see if you connect with this crystal.

***Only 2 left***
Your choice of sterling silver charm & wrist size options available in checkout


Lepidolite insists on being used for the highest good. It dissipates negativity. Extremely useful in the reduction of stress and depression. It is a calming stone that soothes sleep disturbances and emotional stress, bringing deep emotional healing.

Lepidolite healing stones help clear electromagnetic pollution and should be worn while working on computers to absorb their emanations. Lepidolite insists on being used for the highest good. It dissipates negativity as well as activates and opens the throat chakra (chakra 5 - Visuddha), heart chakra (chakra 4 - Anahata), third eye (chakra 6 - Ajna), and crown chakra (chakra 7 - Sahasrara), clearing blockages and bringing cosmic awareness. This crystal aids in shamanic or spiritual journeying and accesses the Akashic record. It tunes you in to thoughts and feelings from other lives that are causing a blockage in your life now. It can take you forward into the future.
Lepidolite is extremely useful in the reduction of stress and depression. It halts obsessive thoughts, relieves despondency, and overcomes insomnia. Lepidolite contains lithium and is helpful in stabilizing mood swings and bipolar disorders. It is an excellent crystal to help overcome any kind of emotional or mental dependency, supportive in releasing from addictions and complaints of all kinds, including anorexia. As a "stone of transition", it releases and reorganizes old psychological and behavioral patterns, inducing change. Lepidolite encourages independence and achieving goals without outside help.
Mentally, Lepidolite stimulates the intellect and analytic qualities. With its power of objectivity and concentration, it speeds up decision-making. Lepidolite focuses on what's important, filtering out extraneous distractions.
Emotionally, this gemstone enhances standing in your own space, free from the influences of others. It is a calming stone that soothes sleep disturbances and emotional stress, bringing deep emotional healing. Are you ready to experience deep healing and emotional balance? Our handmade Lepidolite bracelet can support you on your journey!

Lepidolite locates the site of the disease. Placed on the body over an area of disease, it vibrates gently. Lepidolite has been used to relieve allergies, strengthen the immune system, restructure DNA, and enhance the generation of negative ions. It is said to relieve exhaustion, epilepsy and Alzheimers and can numb sciatica, neuralgia and overcome joint problems. It can also be used as a detoxifier for the skin and connective tissue. Lepidolite is excellent when used as a natural treatment for menopause. It can help illnesses caused by computer stress.

ZenJen smudging your healing crystal bracelet- Add on in checkout.

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