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Are you looking for a natural way to help with the anti aging process? Read about our handmade Rose Muscovite healing bracelets below to see if you connect with this crystal.***Only 1 left***Your choice of sterling silver charm & wrist size options available in checkout (GEM CARD INCLUDED WITH PURCHASE)A mystical stone with a strong angelic contact. Allows you to recognize your projections. Helps you to see that the things you do not like in another are really the characteristics you cannot accept in yourself, and then aids in the integration and transformation of these qualities. Stimulates unconditional love and acceptance. Releases tension.MEANING: MUSCOVITE HEALING CRYSTALSMuscovite is the most common form of mica. It is a mystical stone with a strong angelic contact, stimulating awareness of the higher self. Used in scrying, this visionary crystal links to the highest spiritual realms. Muscovite stimulates the heart chakra (chakra 4 - Anahata), facilitates astral travel, and opens the intuition, third eye (chakra 6 - Ajna) and psychic vision. Muscovite has the ability to allow recognition of the flaws in humanity and at the same time stimulates unconditional love and acceptance. It is a reflective stone, mirroring back and allowing you to recognize your projection- the parts of yourself that you do not recognize and therefore see "out there." It helps you to see that the things you do not like in another are really the characteristics you cannot accept in yourself. Muscovite then aids in the integration and transformation of these qualities. Muscovite healing stones can be used to grid earthquake areas as it gently and safely relieves tensions within the earth. It also releases tension within the physical body and aligns the subtle bodies and meridians with the physical body, bringing about balance. Psychologically, Muscovite disperses insecurity, self-doubt and clumsiness. It is useful for those who suffer from dyspraxia and left-right confusion. Muscovite eliminates anger and nervous stress, to bring flexibility at all levels of being. It assists in looking forward joyfully to the future and back to the past to appreciate all of the lessons that have been learned. By allowing you to see yourself as others see you, Muscovite aids in changing the image presented to the outside world. It supports during the exploration of painful feelings.Mentally, Muscovite aids problem-solving and stimulates quick-wittedness. It facilitates the clear expression of thoughts and feelings. PHYSICAL HEALING PROPERTIES: MUSCOVITE BRACELETPhysically, Muscovite has been used to improve appearance as it imparts sheen to the hair and a sparkle to the eyes. Muscovite has been helpful in the anti aging process. It can help the body to achieve its most appropriate weight. Muscovite is said to aid in controlling blood sugar, balance pancreatic secretions, alleviate dehydration, regulate the kidneys and prevent hunger while fasting. Therefore, a useful crystal to support dieting and weight loss. Muscovite can also relieve insomnia and allergies and heal any condition resulting from dis-ease or distress.