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Wear Jet to draw off negative vibes and bring you balance. Read about our handmade Jet healing bracelets below to see if you connect with this crystal. ***Only 1 left***Your choice of sterling silver charm - wrist size options available in checkoutJET IS A VERY LIGHTWEIGHT STONE, YET POWERFUL ENERGETICALLY(GEM CARD INCLUDED WITH PURCHASE)Has been used as a talisman since Stone Age times. Draws out negative energy and alleviates unreasonable fears. Can be used to open to assist the quest for spiritual enlightenment. Said to stabilize finances. Balances mood swings and alleviates depression, bringing stability and balance.MEANING: JET HEALING CRYSTALS Jet is actually formed from fossilized wood but looks like coal. It has been used as a talisman since Stone Age times. Jet healing stones draw out negative energy and alleviates unreasonable fears. Worn around the neck, it is a stone of protection. It guards against violence and illness and provides protection during spiritual journeying. It was used in olden times to protect from "entities of darkness." It is said that those who are attracted to this stone are "old souls" who have a long experience of being incarnated on the earth. Jet can also be used to open to psychic experience and to assist the quest for spiritual enlightenment. Traditionally, Jet jewelry was said to become part of the body of the wearer. This suggests that Jet jewelry that is inherited or purchased should be throughly cleansed after each application. Jet is said to stabilize finances and to protect businesses. Psychologically, Jet promotes taking control of life. It balances mood swings and alleviates depression, bringing stability and balance. It cleanses the base chakra, chakra 1, and stimulates rise of the kundalini force. PHYSICAL HEALING PROPERTIES: JET BRACELETJet was used in ancient times to treat migraines, epilepsy and colds. It has been known to diminish glandular and lymphatic swellings and heal stomach pain. It was traditionally used for menstrual cramps.