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Iron Pyrite Bracelet PROTECT ME - zen jewelz
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PROTECT ME - Iron Pyrite Bracelet

0 Reviews
Price: $74.99

Product Code: BBPY6NUGGET

Karma Tag & Charm Options

Please select one*:
angel wing - A symbol of good luck, protection, hope, enlightenment & guidance
feather - A symbol of new beginnings.
floating heart
lotus - Rebirth, Spiritual Enlightenment
mini eye of protection - A Talisman to ward off negative energy.
mini Hamsa - A protective symbol which means Hand of God.
moon & star
No karma tag - Bracelet is finished off with a sterling silver ball & zj coin.
Wrist Size

Womens Small (6")
Women's Average (7")
Women's Large (8")
Men's Small (7")
Men's Average (8")
Men's Large (9")
Gift / Self

Blue Sage

Cleanse the energy of your Gemstones or Personal Space! *FREE INSTRUCTIONS INCLUDED* [Add $7.99]
Abalone Shell for Smudging

Burn your sage in an Abalone Shell. The shell represents Water, a gift from the ocean! [Add $14.99]
Personal Smudging by ZenJen

Personal Smudging by ZenJen [Add $10.00]
Additional Comments or Notes

Technical Specs

Iron Pyrite Bracelet

Wear Iron Pyrite as an energy shield to block out negativity!
Read about our handmade Iron Pyrite healing bracelets to see if you connect with this crystal.

***Only 1 left***
Your choice of sterling silver charm & wrist size options available in checkout

An excellent energy shield. Blocks out negative energy and pollutants. Taps into abilities and potential, stimulating the flow of ideas. Promotes diplomacy. Relieves anxiety and frustration. Boosts confidence. Improves memory and recall.

Iron Pyrite is an excellent energy shield. These healing stones block out negative energy and pollutants at all levels including infectious diseases. Iron Pyrite is a very positive stone. It overcomes inertia and feelings of inadequacy. It facilitates tapping into abilities and potential, stimulating the flow of ideas. It is helpful when planning large business concepts. This crystal teaches how to see behind a facade to what is, and promotes diplomacy.
Psychologically, Iron Pyrite relieves anxiety and frustration and boosts self-worth and confidence. It is helpful for men who feel inferior as it strengthens confidence in themselves and their masculinity, but it may be too powerful for "macho" men, initiating aggression. It helps women to overcome servitude and inferiority complexes. Mental activity is accelerated by Iron Pyrite as it increases blood flow to the brain. It improves memory and recall.
Emotionally, Iron Pyrite is helpful for melancholy and deep despair. Wear our Iron Pyrite bracelet to help block out negative energy from your aura!

Iron Pyrite can increase energy and overcome fatigue. It can block energy leaks from the physical body and the aura. Iron Pyrite has been used to increase the oxygen supply to the blood and strengthen the circulatory system. It is a crystal that holds the ideal of perfect health and well-being. In healing it is extremely fast acting, bringing about the cause of the disease to be examined. It is particularly helpful for getting to the root of karmic and psychosomatic disease. Iron Pyrite can help to treat bones and stimulate cellular formation, repair DNA damage, align the meridians and aid sleep disturbed by gastric upset. It can also strengthen the digestive tract and neutralize ingested toxins, benefit the circulatory and respiratory systems and boost oxygen in the bloodstream. Iron Pyrite is beneficial for the lungs and has been known to alleviate asthma and bronchitis. Helps to overcome fatigue and exhaustion.

ZenJen smudging your healing crystal bracelet- Add on in checkout.

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