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Grieving Support Bracelet - zen jewelz by ZenJen
Price: $129.99

Product Code: SBGRIEVING

Karma Tag & Charm Options

Please select one*:
angel wing - A symbol of good luck, protection, hope, enlightenment & guidance
butterfly - transformation, change & hope
compass - no matter what happens you will always find your way!
feather - A symbol of new beginnings.
floating heart
infinity heart
lotus - Rebirth, Spiritual Enlightenment
mini eye of protection - A Talisman to ward off negative energy.
mini Hamsa - A protective symbol which means Hand of God.
No karma tag - Bracelet is finished off with a sterling silver ball & zj coin.
Wrist Size

Womens Small (6")
Women's Average (7")
Women's Large (8")
Men's Small (7")
Men's Average (8")
Men's Large (9")
Gift / Self

Blue Sage

Cleanse the energy of your Gemstones or Personal Space! *FREE INSTRUCTIONS INCLUDED* [Add $7.99]
Abalone Shell for Smudging

Burn your sage in an Abalone Shell. The shell represents Water, a gift from the ocean! [Add $14.99]
Personal Smudging by ZenJen

Personal Smudging by ZenJen [Add $10.00]
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Technical Specs

Grieving Support Bracelet

Do you or someone you love need support to help cope with the pain of a loss?
Read about our grieving bracelet to see how these healing crystals can assist.

Your choice of sterling silver charm or karma tag -
Wrist size options available in checkout


This bracelet is made of Obsidian, Sugilite and Azurite. These gemstones help lend support during times of grief and sadness. They can facilitate the release of pain and sorrow helping you to adjust to any loss that you have suffered. Allow these stones to hold a safe space for you while you grieve.

Healing crystals in this bracelet include:
Obsidian: Obsidian is a stone without boundaries or limitations. As a result, it works extremely fast and with great power. Its truth enhancing, reflective qualities are merciless in exposing flaws, weaknesses, and blockages. Nothing can be hidden from Obsidian. Pointing out how to ameliorate all destructive and disempowering conditions, Obsidian impels us to grow and lend solid support while we do so. Obsidian provides deep soul healing. It can facilitate in going back to past lives to heal festering emotions or trauma that has carried forward into the present. Obsidian is a strong protective stone, forming a shield against negativity. It provides a grounding cord from the base chakra (root chakra, chaka 1 - Muladhara) to the center of the earth, absorbs negative energies from the environment and strengthens in times of need. It is helpful for highly sensitive people. It blocks psychic attack and removes negative spiritual influences. Placing Obsidian by the bed or under the pillow can draw out mental stress and tension, and may have a calming effect, but it can also bring up the reasons for that stress. These reasons then have to be confronted before peace can return. Obsidian is so effective in soaking up negative energies, it is essential to clean the stone under running water each time it has been used in this way.
Spiritually, Obsidian vitalizes soul purpose. It eliminates energy blockages and relieves tension, integrating the psychological shadow into the whole to bring spiritual integrity. It anchors the spirit into the body. This stone stimulates growth on all levels. It urges exploration of the unknown, opening new horizons.
Mentally, Obsidian brings clarity to the mind and clears confusion and constricting beliefs. However, it may well do this by making it absolutely clear what lies behind mental distress or disease. Once this has been cleared, Obsidian expands consciousness, entering the realm of the unknown with confidence and ease.

Sugilite is one of the major "love stones", bringing the purple ray energy to earth. It represents spiritual love and wisdom and opens all of the 7 chakras to the flow of that love, bringing them into alignment. Sugilite inspires spiritual awareness and promotes channeling ability. Sugilite teaches you how to live from your truth and reminds the soul of its reasons for incarnating. It accompanies moving into past lives or the between-lives state to retrieve the cause of dis-ease. This stone finds answers to all the great questions of life such as "Why am I here?", "Where did I come from?", "Who am I?", and "What else do I need to understand?". It is a useful accompaniment to spiritual quests of all kinds. This loving stone protects the soul from shocks, trauma and disappointments and relieves spiritual tension. It helps sensitive people and light workers to adapt to the earth vibration without becoming mired or despondent. Sugilite can help to bring light and love into the darkest situations. Aiding forgiveness and eliminating hostility, Sugilite is a useful stone for work with groups as it resolves group difficulties and encourages loving communication. Emotionally, Sugilite imparts the ability to face up to unpleasant matters. It alleviates sorrow, grief, and fear and promotes self-forgiveness. Mentally, Sugilite encourages positive thoughts and reorganizes brain patterns that underlie learning difficulties such as dyslexia. It supports the overcoming of conflict without compromise. Physically, Sugilite gently releases emotional turmoil and can alleviate despair. It draws off negative energy and lends loving support, channeling healing energy into the body, mind and spirit.

Azurite: Azurite is a powerful healing stone, facilitating psychosomatic understanding of the effect of the mind and emotions on the body. Mentally, Azurite brings about clear understanding and new perspectives and expands the mind. It releases long-standing blocks in communication allowing you to express yourself freely and also stimulates memory. Azurite challenges your view of reality and lets go of programmed belief systems to move into the unknown without fear, reaching deeper insights and a new reality. Old beliefs gently rise into the conscious mind to be tested against truth. Emotionally, Azurite clears stress, worry, grief and sadness allowing more light into the emotions providing emotional healing. This healing crystal transmutes fear and phobias and brings in understanding of why they occurred in the first place.

ZenJen smudging your healing crystal bracelet- Add on in checkout.

Average Customer Review: Average Customer Review: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Write a review.

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Grieving Bracelet January 19, 2022
Reviewer: Tammy Moreland from Indiana  
This bracelet is breathtaking in person. I have a lot of gemstone bracelets that I have bought, and this is by far the best quality, and most beautiful, out of all of them. It shipped really fast, and the customer service is outstanding! Getting ready to order another bracelet.

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