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Faden Quartz is Tabular Quartz Crystals that have a thread-like line running through them, perpendicular to the line of growth. Tabular Quartz is said to be excellent for transmitting energy and thought, and is thought to contain much information relating to our Planet Earth.Faden Quartz is said to be easily programmed and should be thoroughly cleansed of all previous programs when first received. If one is feeling weak or ill, Faden Quartz is said to fill holes in the aura and the etheric body. Faden Quartz is a strong healing crystal, helping wherever there are disconnections involved, such as in cases of broken bones, torn ligaments, or any time there is a severing of parts. Energetically, Faden Quartz will make the connections, allowing for healing to commence. Tabular Crystals are believed to be activators for other crystals.