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ELEMENT: WATER - EMOTIONAL STABILITY - South African Dumortierite Bracelet

Dumortierite Bracelet ELEMENT WATER - zen jewelz
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Price: $79.99


Wrist Size

Womens Small (6")
Women's Average (7")
Women's Large (8")
Men's Small (7")
Men's Average (8")
Men's Large (9")
Gift / Self

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Dumortierite Bracelet - Element Water

The 4 elements of Western culture are EARTH, AIR, FIRE & WATER. These 4 elements were believed to be essential to life.
CANCER (June 22 - July 22)
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21)
PICES (February 19 - March 20)

Water is constantly flowing, with much of its activity happening below the surface. For Water people, while your outside may seem calm and collected, inside your emotions are in constant turmoil. You are compassionate and caring and can relate easily to others. You connect with people whole-heartedly, which can sometimes make you overly trusting. When spread too thin you are ineffectual, but when collected and focused you are a force to be reckoned with. You see life as a journey and every movement you make is part of a definite path (though sometimes an unexpected one).
However, your ability to connect so deeply also makes you prone to carrying other people's burdens. This compassion for others leaves your own needs neglected. Too many built up negative emotions can lead to depression and often addiction. Your emotions ebb and flow, making you sometimes volatile and irrational. You often feel the need to bring up deep topics during lighthearted situations, much to the annoyance of others. You must find balance in learning to help others and learning to help yourself in order to find harmony. Wear our Dumortierite bracelet to help stabilize your emotions!

Includes double sided sterling silver Water charm - Wrist size options available in checkout

A stone that teaches you to stand up for yourself. Helps you to take control of your life. Increases patience. Amplifies psychic gifts. Helps to stabilize your emotions. If open to change this crystal brings many gifts!

Dumortierite is a stone that teaches you to stand up for yourself. These healing stones will help you to take control of your own life and increase your level of patience. This crystal is very stimulating to the brain and brings enhanced intellectual abilities as it assists with all mental skills, both mathematical and language based. It is highly stimulating to the pineal gland located behind the third eye (chakra 6 - Ajna) in the forehead and beneficial to the throat chakra (chakra 5 - Visuddha) and the crown chakra (chakra 7 - Sahasrara). If you have the potential to develop psychic powers, it is a powerful stone to amplify many psychic gifts. This gemstone will aid you if you work in psychic employment, including if you work in the astrology field or are a tarot reader. Your accuracy in your interpretation of the information that you receive from the Divine mind is aided by this stone. It has an extraordinary capacity to help you to acquire many psychic gifts, including psychometry, clairvoyant abilities, clairaudience (psychic hearing) and will help you to amplify your intuition. Dumortierite can help to stabilize your emotions and this is helpful as these stones can create a large degree of change. If you are willing to work with the change, these crystals bring many gifts to you.

This stone is helpful with resolving issues related to addiction. It can help you to highlight patterns in your life that underlie why you have these addictions. Dumortierite is an excellent stone for lifting depression replacing it with peace and happiness. It has also been used to help with cooling the body, throat, thyroid and parathyroid as well as for detoxification, overstimulation and hyperactivity. This gemstone can be helpful in treating the spleen, skin disorders, diabetes, the metabolic system, the endocrine system and blood. Due to its energy of self discipline, it is often used in weight loss or attaining ideal weight.

ZenJen smudging your healing crystal pendant - Add on in checkout.

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