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Cancer Support Bracelet - zen jewelz
Price: $129.99

Product Code: SBCANCER

Karma Tag & Charm Options

Please select one*:
mini Hamsa - A protective symbol which means Hand of God.
yin yang - duality, growth & interconnectedness.
No karma tag - Bracelet is finished off with a sterling silver ball & zj coin.
Wrist Size

Womens Small (6")
Women's Average (7")
Women's Large (8")
Men's Small (7")
Men's Average (8")
Men's Large (9")
Gift / Self

Blue Sage

Cleanse the energy of your Gemstones or Personal Space! *FREE INSTRUCTIONS INCLUDED* [Add $7.99]
Abalone Shell for Smudging

Burn your sage in an Abalone Shell. The shell represents Water, a gift from the ocean! [Add $14.99]
Personal Smudging by ZenJen

Personal Smudging by ZenJen [Add $10.00]
Additional Comments or Notes

Technical Specs

Cancer Support Bracelet

Are you or do you know someone who is battling cancer?
Perhaps our cancer support healing crystal bracelet can provide courage and hope!

Your choice of sterling silver charm & wrist size options available in checkout
(This bracelet is available without a karma tag)

This bracelet features a Smokey Quartz with etched Yin Yang gemstone in the center of the bracelet. The meaning of the yin yang symbol encompasses harmony and balance within the universe. Two halves that together complete wholeness. Yin and yang are also the starting point for change. This bracelet can be bundled with the other gemstone bracelets that are highlighted and listed below for additional support.

All gemstones featured in this bracelet:

Smokey Quartz: Has been used to relieve pain, treat radiation-related illness or chemotherapy. Neutralizes negative energy and can assist in detoxification on all levels.
Hematite: Grounding and protecting. This stone has a strong yang element and balances the meridians, redressing yin imbalances. It dissolves negativity and prevents negative energy from entering the aura, restoring peace and harmony to the body.
Black Tourmaline: Cleanses, purifies and transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration. It is said to protect against radiation and negative energies of all kinds. It grounds energy and can increase physical vitality, dispersing tension and stress. Clearing negative thoughts, this important healing crystal promotes a laid back attitude with clear rational thought processes. It encourages a positive attitude no matter what the circumstances. Black Tourmaline has been used to defend against debilitating disease, strengthen the immune system and provide pain relief.
Bloodstone: Is known as an excellent blood cleanser and a powerful healer as well as an excellent grounding and protecting stone. Keeps out undesirable influences. Bloodstone gives courage, calms the mind, dispels confusion and enhances the decision making process. It can revitalize the mind if you are mentally exhausted. This gemstone assists in adjusting to unaccustomed circumstances. It has been used to stimulate the flow of lymph and the metabolic processes, purify blood, and detoxify the liver, intestines, kidneys, spleen and bladder. It has been helpful in cases of leukemia as it supports the blood and removes toxins. The ancient Egyptians used it to shrink tumors.

ZenJen smudging your healing crystal bracelet- Add on in checkout.

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