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Chrysoprase Jewelry

Healing Properties of Chrysoprase Gemstones

Chrysoprase is a stone of compassion and grace, known for bringing hope and breaking negative cycles. When used during meditation, it can also help to stimulate inner growth, as it helps to facilitate relaxation and insight. It also encourages creativity and draws out one’s inner talent. By overcoming impulsive judgments, Chrysoprase jewelry helps one find acceptance of themselves and others. Take a look through our shop and find the perfect stone to bring hope and compassion into your life.

Chrysoprase Healing Properties:

  • Stimulates creativity and draws out inner talents
  • Promotes forgiveness and compassion
  • Invokes hope and personal insights
  • Encourages acceptance of others and self

Chakra Balancing:

  • Chrysoprase jewelry balances the Sacral Chakra (Chakra 2 – Swadhisthana) and Heart Chakra (Chakra 4 – Anahata).
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