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Charoite Jewelry

Healing Properties of Charoite Gemstones

Referred to as a “Stone of Transformation,” Charoite is a spiritual stone that guides us and teaches us to live in the “now.” Our Charoite jewelry can help a person release deep fears and help to put things in perspective. This wonderful energy stone provides deep emotional healing. Find your perfect Charoite jewelry today in our shop and experience transformation!

Charoite Healing Properties:

  • Stone of transformation
  • Can stimulate spiritual insight and inner vision
  • Instills vigor, drive, and spontaneity while reducing worry and stress
  • Helps one accept the present moment as perfect

Chakra Balancing:

  • Charoite works very closely with the Third Eye Chakra (Chakra 6 – Ajna) but is also connected to the Crown Chakra (Chakra 7 – Sahasrara)
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